Checking In Blog: Stadiums

Zippin's Proven Track Record: Sports Venues Double Down on Checkout-Free
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2024 Zippin Award Winners: Celebrating Excellence in Checkout-Free
We're honored to announce the winners of the 2024 Zippin Awards, recognizing the leaders we have the privilege to serve, who are all setting new standards in their industries. Our..
Zippin Outdoors Named SBJ Tech Awards Finalist for Best in AI
Once again, Zippin is recognized for our commitment to innovation in the sports industry. Zippin is thrilled to be named finalist for “Best in AI” in Sports Business Journal (SBJ)..
Beyond Fan Experience: How Checkout-Free Optimizes Venue Ops
Checkout-free technology is often celebrated for its fan appeal—it makes shopping fast, intuitive, and fun. But for sports venues and foodservice executives, the real measure of..
Three-Time Finalist: Zippin's Innovations Shine at RTIH Tech Awards
At Zippin, our commitment to leading the checkout-free retail experiences has once again earned us industry-wide recognition. For the second consecutive year, we’re finalists in..
From “Wow” to What’s Next: Unlock the Potential of Checkout-Free with Zippin
When checkout-free technology first emerged in the market, it wowed retailers and shoppers alike. Entering a store, taking anything you want, and leaving without standing in line..
Zippin Serves Up Success: Breaking Records Every Year at the US Open
As premier sporting events like the US Open continue to grow in popularity, fan expectations are evolving. It’s not just about seeing the world’s best players compete for coveted..
America's Team Goes Checkout-Free with Zippin
AT&T Stadium, home to the iconic Dallas Cowboys, is one of the latest NFL stadiums to launch Zippin checkout-free at their venue. The announcement was made last week by Legends..
Zippin’s Winning Streak: 5 Seasons of Checkout-Free Success
As we celebrate five incredible seasons serving the sports industry, Zippin is proud to share some key milestones that helped define our journey. Here’s a look at what we've..
When Concessions Hit a Slump: Are 10-Minute Wait Times a Good Thing?!
In my 2+ years working with checkout-free technology I’ve seen firsthand how it improves the fan experience is paramount at live sporting events. This is especially true in minor..
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First theme park in Europe launches checkout-free store with Zippin and Aramark UK
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